Can I Return My Product?
Yes. In the rare case, that you’re not 100% satisfied with the product(s), you may return it for credit within 14 days from the moment it was received (the shipping fees will be paid by the customer.)
*All returns will be reimbursed as store credit.*
How Do I Return The Product?
1. Send to 2-3 pictures of the item(s) along with the reason for return within 14 days from the delivery date. Insert the order number like #1008 RETURN in the e-mail subject.
2. Once you receive the return address and a RNA #, (WITHIN A COUPLE HOURS FROM YOUR EMAIL) you may ship the product(s) via a courier of your choice within 14 days of receiving the product. Also, put RNA IN PACKAGE on a piece of paper and on the box. Please provide the tracking number for any returns, as lost-in-return items are not eligible for reimbursements. You must have RNA # to receive refund.
3. Once the item is returned to our warehouse you will receive a credit notification to purchase another item or save it for when you want to purchase again. We don’t refund your money to your credit card. Please allow 2-3 working days
4. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
5. Also, we do not respond or replace the product if you have not measured your dog well. The instructions are clearly stated on all products, so we reserve this right.
Who Pays For Return Shipping?
The purchaser pays for all shipping.